Saturday 18 July 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Is it a or b? ( page 6)
3 b
4 a
5 b
6 b
Canada--- (page6)
1. Alberta
2. British Columbia
3. Manitoba
4. New Brunswick
5. Newfoundland and Labrador
6. Nova Scotia
7. Ontario
8. Prince Edward Island
9. Quebec
10. Saskatchewan
1. Northwest Territories
2. Nunavut
3. Yukon
Finish the chart
Write the singular or plural for each word. (Page8)
1. moose--moose
3.mouse-- mice
Finish the words and match (Page10)
1 drum
2 dreamcatcher
3 moccasins
4 basket
Two special days in June (Page10)
Father’s Day
Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June. It is a special day for Dads. National aboriginal day
National aboriginal day is on June 21. Many communities have special events.
Map work (page12)
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 c
True or false (Page12)
1T 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T 8F 9T
Answer the questions (Page15)
1 Even and Rae-Ann are Nick’s children.
2 Nick grew up on a first nations reserve.
3 Nick dropped out of school in Grade 8.
4 Nick is talking adult literacy classes
5 Nick wants to be able to read with Even and Rae-Ann.
Fill in the blanks (Page15)
1 magazine
2 computer
3 book
4 music CD
Crossword (Page17)
1 people 2 brown 3 huge 4 afraid 5 raven 6 language 7 sand slow 8 two
Which words do not belong? (Page17)
1 curious sculpture
2 hair sand shells
3 Island climbed sand raven
4 salmon spider snake bear
What word is missing? (Page20)
1 from 2 years 3 as 4 program 5 learned
Finish the sentences (Page20)
1 put 2 mix 3 pour 4 cover 5 leave 6 preheat 7 put 8 cook
Ellen learned many traditions from her mother. (Page22)
Does your family have any traditions?
Write about a family tradition on the lines.
Yes, we do! I learned some traditions from my mother. Every Chinese New Year, we make a lot of Dumplings. First, we can buy some dumpling skins from the supermarket. Second, we have to prepare some stuffing. We can put anything want. It can be pork, beef, lamb or seafood. Further, we can add some vegetables. Third, put the stuffing in the middle of the skin, and then knead the edges of the skin. The last step is to boil, and it is ready to serve.
Read the story on the left and the phrases on the right. The phrases are from the story. Where do they fit? Write the correct letters on the blanks. (Page23)
1 d 2 g 3 b 4 f 5 c 6 a 7 h 8 e
Find the word (Page24)
1 bat 2 dog 3 pig 4 ox 5 bee 6 lamb 7 mule 8 mouse 9 bird 10 clam
Unscramble the letters to make a word. All the words go with “blood.”(Page26)
1 sample 2 type 3 relative 4 brother 5 pressure 6 bad 7 new 8 cold
Is it a, b, or c? Circle a, b, or c to finish the sentences. (Page27)
1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c
Match the words on the left with the correct words on the right. (Page27)
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 e
Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to finish each word. All the words are on page 25. (Page27)
1 Dall 2 squirrel 3 spear 4 funeral 5 between 6 ancient 7 pouch
8 spruce 9 frozen 10 sheep
Finish the sentences. (Page30)
1 Vancouver 2 jewellery 3 glass 4 Musqueam 5 wool 6 Seattle
Which words do not belong? (Page30)
1 shoe 2 tulip 3 brass 4 tiger 5 inches 6 disc
Crossword (page31)
1 wool 2 knife 3 glass 4 studied 5 different 6 earrings 7 early 8 airport 9 cedar 10 large
Find it (page32)
1 Small business is a big success.
2 National Aboriginal Day
3 More than just cooking
4 Susan Aglukark
5 Susan point is a Coast Salish artist
6 Jonathan cheechoo

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