Sunday 26 July 2015

  1. Friday, 24 July 2015

    Writing: Report on the ROM field trip in 3 paragraphs: 
                 Who went and why;
                 What you did/saw there; esp. the aboriginal exhibits;
                How you feel about Canadian history

    Last Friday, I went to ROM with my LINC teacher and classmates. We went there to have a better knowledge about Aboriginal cultures and Canada’s history.

    There, at the aboriginal hall, I saw a lot of objects and artifacts from pre-history and modern first people. What interested me most was a child’s summer hat made of caribou skin decorated with beadwork.

    I was shocked by first people’s highly developed cultures and I found myself, based on the knowledge I learned within class, better understanding the history of Canada and I am proud to live in a nation which tolerates diverse cultures and is peaceful homeland for us.

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